AWDC In the Media
AWDC In the Media
Our Founder, Leta, and our CEO have been making the rounds telling everyone all about Autistic Wings Dance Company and our innovative way of teaching dance to dancers on the Spectrum. Check out some of the interviews they have given below.
We sit down with Amanda Trisdale, founder of a nonprofit dance studio for autistic dancers, and her daughter, Leta, a talented tap dancer who has been mentored by some of the biggest names in Hollywood. Amanda shares her journey of creating a safe space where neurodiverse dancers can thrive, despite the challenges they face in traditional dance environments. She talks about the importance of letting children on the spectrum follow their passions and how stimming, often misunderstood, can become a superpower when embraced. Claudie Pomares, our brain development expert, explains the neuroscience behind how dance can stimulate speech development, motor skills, and emotional well-being. She discusses how physical activities like dance can help release chemicals in the brain that improve focus, motivation, and speech in children with special needs.
Coffee with Bad Bearded Dad
Join me for a heartwarming conversation with Amanda Tisdale, CEO of Autistic Wings Dance Company, a nonprofit dance studio founded by her daughter Leta, that provides inclusive dance education. Amanda shares her personal journey as a mother of an autistic child who found solace and joy in tap dancing. We discuss the importance of inclusion, accessibility, and acceptance and how Autistic Wings is breaking down barriers and creating a supportive community for autistic individuals and their families.
Heart to Heart with Abagaba
A heart to heart conversation that goes indepth into why places like Autistic Wings Dance Company are needed, plus Amanda discusses the Dance Studio version of an IEP.